Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this better than just searching YouTube?

Using us means

  • you maximise your time helping your child practise not searching YouTube
  • a consistent, proven approach 
  • progressive skill development not random ideas
  • you can track where you've got to
  • you can ask for feedback on your child's efforts
  • no risk of bad language or inappropriate content
  • no adverts!

Where do I start?

The easiest way is to sign up for our 10 free challenges and give them a try. Just create an account and away you go!

If you like those, choose one of our programmes. Practise one challenge a week and watch their skills develop, while you have a great time helping them.

What if my child can't do a challenge?

Use the suggestions under each video on how to make the challenge easier or harder. Encourage them to keep trying and praise them when they do – that’s an important part of success.

If they're still struggling, try a different challenge. You'll soon find the right level.

Do you have any free content?

We have a "10 Free Challenges coursewhich is a great way to try our challenges out. Just click the link, create an account and you're ready to go.

Our first bottle flipping course, Flipping Fun, is also completely free.

Best of all, every one of our courses has some free challenges. Once you've created an account with us you can view them whenever you wish.

My question isn't answered here!

No problem! Just email [email protected] and we'll get to you shortly.